BASIS  r3148
Todo List
Member basis::exepath (const std::string &name=std::string())
This function currently makes use of the which command implemented in Python and called as subprocess in order to search a command in the system PATH. This which command is part of BASIS and can also be used on Windows. However, a native C++ implementation would be desireable.
Member basis::util::exepath (const std::string &name=std::string(), const IExecutableTargetInfo *targets=NULL)
This function currently makes use of the which command implemented in Python and called as subprocess in order to search a command in the system PATH. This which command is part of BASIS and can also be used on Windows. However, a native C++ implementation would be desireable.
Member basis_add_component (in COMPNAME, in ARGN)
Come up and implement components concept which fits into superproject concept.
Member basis_add_component_group (in GRPNAME, in ARGN)
Come up and implement components concept which fits into superproject concept.
Member basis_add_mcc_target (in TARGET_NAME, in ARGN)
Consider NO_BASIS_UTILITIES and USE_BASIS_UTILITIES options after the BASIS utilities for MATLAB have been implemented.
Member basis_add_test (in TEST_NAME, in ARGN)
Make use of ExternalData module to fetch remote test data.
Add full support for Java.
Member basis_string_to_list (out LST, in STR)
Probably this can be done in a better way... Difficulty is, that string(REPLACE) does always replace all occurrences. Therefore, we need a regular expression which matches the entire string. More sophisticated regular expressions should do a better job, though.
Group BasisMatlabUtilities
The MATLAB utilities are not implemented yet. Note, however, that for certain utilities provided for other programming languages there is no use in MATLAB. For example, the ExecutableTargetInfo module is not required as MATLAB does not allow the execution of an executable from within MATLAB scripts.
Member ExternalData_add_target (in target)
Document funtion.
Member ExternalData_add_test (in target)
Document function.