BASIS  version 1.2.3 (revision 2104)
00001 ##############################################################################
00002 # @file
00003 # @brief Provides information about executables built by BASIS.
00004 #
00005 # @note The module is automatically created by
00006 #       BASIS from the template file which is
00007 #       part of the BASIS installation.
00008 #
00009 # Copyright (c) 2011 University of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved.<br />
00010 # See or COPYING file.
00011 #
00012 # Contact: SBIA Group <sbia-software at>
00013 #
00014 # @ingroup BasisPerlUtilities
00015 ##############################################################################
00017 package SBIA::BASIS::ExecutableTargetInfo;
00019 use strict;
00020 use warnings;
00022 # ============================================================================
00023 # exports
00024 # ============================================================================
00028 BEGIN {
00029     use Exporter ();
00031     $VERSION = 1.02_03;
00032     @ISA     = qw (Exporter);
00034     %EXPORT_TAGS = (
00035         default => [qw (
00036             get_executable_name
00037             get_executable_directory
00038             get_executable_path
00039         )],
00041         everything => [qw (
00042             get_executable_name
00043             get_executable_directory
00044             get_executable_path
00045             get_target_uid
00046             is_known_target
00047         )]
00048     );
00050     Exporter::export_ok_tags ('everything');
00051 }
00053 # ============================================================================
00054 # modules
00055 # ============================================================================
00057 use Cwd            qw(realpath);
00058 use File::Basename qw(dirname basename);
00059 use File::Spec     qw(rel2abs);
00061 use SBIA::BASIS::File::Which;
00063 # ============================================================================
00064 # private data
00065 # ============================================================================
00067 ## @brief Maps build target names to executable file paths relative to module.
00068 my $_location = undef;
00070 # ============================================================================
00071 # public functions
00072 # ============================================================================
00074 ## @addtogroup BasisPerlUtilities
00075 # @{
00078 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00079 ## @brief Get UID of build target.
00080 #
00081 # This function prepends the default namespace of used for targets build as
00082 # part of the project this module belongs to if the given target name is yet
00083 # neither known nor fully-qualified, i.e., in the form <namespace>::<target>.
00084 #
00085 # @note This function does not check whether the returned fully-qualified
00086 #       target name is known to this class.
00087 #
00088 # @param [in] targe Name of build target.
00089 #
00090 # @returns Fully-qualified build target name.
00091 sub get_target_uid
00092 {
00093     my $target = $_[0];
00094     # initialize module if not done yet - this is only done here because
00095     # whenever information is looked up about an executable target, this
00096     # function is invoked first
00097     defined $_location or initialize ();
00098     # handle invalid arguments
00099     defined $target or return undef;
00100     length ($target) > 0 or return undef;
00101     # in case of a leading namespace separator, do not modify target name
00102     $target !~ /^\./ or return $target;
00103     # project namespace
00104     my $prefix='sbia.basis.DUMMY';
00105     # try prepending namespace or parts of it until target is known
00106     while ($prefix =~ s/(.*)\.[^.]*/$1/) {
00107         if (exists $_location->{$prefix . '.' . $target}) {
00108             return $prefix . '.' . $target;
00109         }
00110     }
00111     # otherwise, return target name unchanged
00112     return $target;
00113 }
00115 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00116 ## @brief Determine whether a given target is known.
00117 #
00118 # @param [in] target Name/UID of build target.
00119 #
00120 # @returns Whether the given build target is known by this module.
00121 sub is_known_target
00122 {
00123     my $uid = get_target_uid ($_[0]);
00124     defined $uid or return 0;
00125     $uid =~ s/^[.]?(.*)/$1/;
00126     exists $_location->{$uid};
00127 }
00129 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00130 ## @brief Get name part of executable file path.
00131 #
00132 # @param [in] target Name/UID of build target.
00133 #
00134 # @returns Name part of executable file path.
00135 sub get_executable_name
00136 {
00137     my $path = get_executable_path (@_);
00138     defined $path or return undef;
00139     return basename ($path);
00140 }
00142 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00143 ## @brief Get directory part of executable file path.
00144 #
00145 # @param [in] target Name/UID of build target.
00146 #
00147 # @returns Directory part of executable file path.
00148 sub get_executable_directory
00149 {
00150     my $path = get_executable_path (@_);
00151     defined $path or return undef;
00152     return dirname ($path);
00153 }
00155 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00156 ## @brief Get absolute path of executable file.
00157 #
00158 # This function determines the absolute file path of an executable. If no
00159 # arguments are given, the absolute path of this executable is returned.
00160 # If the given argument is a known build target name, the absolute path
00161 # of the executable built by this target is returned. Otherwise, the named
00162 # command is searched in the system PATH and it's absolute path returned
00163 # if found. If the given argument is neither the name of a known build target
00164 # nor an executable found on the PATH, undef is returned.
00165 #
00166 # @param [in] target Name/UID of build target.
00167 #
00168 # @returns Absolute file path of executable.
00169 sub get_executable_path
00170 {
00171     my $path = undef;
00172     if (@_ == 0) {
00173         $path = realpath ($0);
00174     } else {
00175         my $uid = get_target_uid ($_[0]);
00176         defined $uid and $uid =~ s/^[.]?(.*)/$1/;
00177         if (defined $uid and exists $_location->{$uid}) {
00178             $path = $_location->{$uid};
00179             if ($path =~ m/\$\(IntDir\)/) {
00180                 my $tmppath = '';
00181                 my $intdir = '';
00182                 foreach $intdir ('Release', 'Debug', 'RelWithDebInfo', 'MinSizeRel') {
00183                     $tmppath = $path;
00184                     $tmppath =~ s/\$\(IntDir\)/$intdir/g;
00185                     if (-e $tmppath) {
00186                         $path = $tmppath;
00187                         last;
00188                     }
00189                 }
00190                 $path =~ s/\$\(IntDir\)//g;
00191             }
00192             $path = File::Spec->rel2abs ($path, dirname (__FILE__));
00193             # the realpath() function only works for existing paths
00194             $path = realpath ($path) if -e $path;
00195         } else {
00196             $path = which ($_[0])
00197         }
00198     }
00199     return $path;
00200 }
00203 ## @}
00204 # end of Doxygen group
00206 # ============================================================================
00207 # protected/private functions
00208 # ============================================================================
00210 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00211 ## @brief Initialize executable target information.
00212 #
00213 # This function initializes the structures of information about the executable
00214 # build targets. In order to reduce the start-up time of applications that do
00215 # not make use of this module, the initialization is only performed on demand.
00216 #
00217 # The initialization is done in get_target_uid() as this function is always
00218 # called first before any lookup of information.
00219 #
00220 # @returns Nothing.
00221 sub initialize
00222 {
00223     $_location = {
00224     'sbia.basis.basisproject' => '../../../../bin/basisproject',
00225     'sbia.basis.which' => '../../../../bin/which',
00226     'sbia.basis.doxyfilter' => '../../../doxyfilter',
00227     'sbia.basis.doxyfilter-matlab' => '../../../doxyfilter-matlab',
00228     'sbia.basis.doxyfilter-bash' => '../../../doxyfilter-bash',
00229     'sbia.basis.doxyfilter-cmake' => '../../../doxyfilter-cmake',
00230     'sbia.basis.doxyfilter-python' => '../../../doxyfilter-python',
00231     'sbia.basis.testdriver' => '../../../../bin/basistest-driver',
00232     'sbia.basis.basistest-svn' => '../../../../bin/basistest-svn',
00233     'sbia.basis.basistest-slave' => '../../../../bin/basistest-slave',
00234     'sbia.basis.basistest-master' => '../../../../bin/basistest-master',
00235     'sbia.basis.basistest-cron' => '../../../../bin/basistest-cron',
00236     'sbia.basis.basistest' => '../../../../bin/basistest',
00237     'sbia.basis.make_html_verbatim' => '../../../../bin/make_html_verbatim',
00238     'sbia.basis.dummy_command' => '../../../../../../../../../home/schuha/sandbox/build/basis-1.2.3/Testing/bin/dummy_command',
00239     'sbia.basis.test_matlabtools' => '../../../../../../../../../home/schuha/sandbox/build/basis-1.2.3/Testing/bin/test_matlabtools',
00240     'sbia.basis.test_basisproject' => '../../../../../../../../../home/schuha/sandbox/build/basis-1.2.3/Testing/bin/test_basisproject',
00241     'sbia.basis.test_path' => '../../../../../../../../../home/schuha/sandbox/build/basis-1.2.3/Testing/bin/test_path',
00242     'sbia.basis.test_subprocess' => '../../../../../../../../../home/schuha/sandbox/build/basis-1.2.3/Testing/bin/test_subprocess',
00243     'sbia.basis.test_core' => '../../../../../../../../../home/schuha/sandbox/build/basis-1.2.3/Testing/bin/test_core',
00244     'sbia.basis.test_shtap' => '../../../../../../../../../home/schuha/sandbox/build/basis-1.2.3/Testing/bin/test_shtap',
00245     'sbia.basis.parseargs' => '../../../../../../../../../home/schuha/sandbox/build/basis-1.2.3/Testing/bin/parseargs',
00246     'sbia.basis.test_utilities' => '../../../../../../../../../home/schuha/sandbox/build/basis-1.2.3/Testing/bin/test_utilities'
00247     };
00248 }
00251 1; # indicate success of module loading