BASIS  version 1.2.3 (revision 2104)
00001 ##############################################################################
00002 # @file
00003 # @brief Doxygen filter for MATLAB scripts.
00004 #
00005 # This is the Doxygen filter implementation of Fabrice which is available
00006 # on MATLAB Central.
00007 #
00008 # @sa
00009 #
00010 # @ingroup Tools
00011 ##############################################################################
00013 if ($#ARGV != 0)
00014 {
00015   die "Argument must contain filename $#ARGV"
00016 }
00017 else
00018 {
00019   $fname=$ARGV[0];
00020 }
00022 @listeFic = ();
00024 # if we have a .m file inside a (@)-folder with the same name
00025 if ($fname =~ m/^(.*)\@([-_\d\w]*)[\/\\](\2)\.m/)
00026 {
00027   # read each file in class folder
00028   $name = $2;
00029   $nameExt = $name.".m";
00030   $dir = $1."@".$name."/\*.m";
00031   @fic = glob($dir);
00032   $i = 0;
00033   $listeFic[0] = $fname;
00034   foreach $my_test (@fic)
00035   {
00036     if (!($my_test =~ $nameExt))
00037     {
00038       $i++;
00039       $listeFic[$i] = $my_test;
00040     }
00041   }
00042 # otherwise @-folder, but .m with a different name
00043 } elsif ($fname =~ /^(.*)\@([-_\d\w]*)[\/\\](.*)\.m/) {
00044     # ignore it
00045 # otherwise
00046 } else {
00047   $listeFic[0] = $fname;
00048 }
00050 $output = '';
00051 foreach $my_fic (@listeFic)
00052 {
00054   open(my $in, $my_fic);
00056   $declTypeDef="";
00057   $inClass = 0;
00058   $inAbstractMethodBlock = 0;
00059   $listeProperties = 0;
00060   $listeEnumeration = 0;
00061   $listeEvents = 0;
00063   $methodAttribute = "";
00066   while (<$in>)
00067   {
00068     if (/(^\s*)(%%)(.*)/)
00069     {
00070       $output=$output."$1///$3";
00071     }
00072     if (($listeProperties == 1) && (/(^\s*end\s*)/))
00073     {
00074       $listeProperties = 0;
00075     }
00076     if (($inAbstractMethodBlock == 1) && (/(^\s*end\s*)/))
00077     {
00078       $inAbstractMethodBlock = 0;
00079     }
00080     if (($listeProperties == 1) && (/^\s*([\w\d]*)\s*(=\s*[\w\d{}'',\s\[\]\.]*)?.*(%%.*)?/))
00081     {
00082       $propertyName = $1;
00083       $propertyValue = $2;
00084       $propertyComment = $3;
00085       if (!($propertyName =~ /^$/))
00086       {
00087         if ($typeProperties =~ /Constant/)
00088         {
00089           $properties = $propertyName."$propertyValue;$propertyComment";
00090         }
00091         else
00092         {
00093           $properties = $propertyName.";$propertyComment";
00094         }
00096         $properties =~ s/%%/\/\/\//g;
00097         $properties =~ s/%/\/\//g;
00098         $output=$output.$typeProperties."Property ".$properties;
00099       }
00100     }
00101     if (($listeEnumeration == 1) && (/(^\s*end\s*)/))
00102     {
00103       $listeEnumeration = 0;
00104       $output=$output."};";
00105     }
00106     if (($listeEvents == 1) && (/(^\s*end\s*)/))
00107     {
00108       $listeEvents = 0;
00109       $output=$output."};";
00110     }
00111     if (($listeEvents == 1) && (/^\s*([\w\d]*)\s*/))
00112     {
00113       $name_event = $1;
00114       if (!($name_event =~ /^$/))
00115       {
00116         $event = $name_event.",";
00117         $event =~ s/%%/\/\/\//g;
00118         $event =~ s/%/\/\//g;
00119         $output=$output.$event;
00120       }
00121     }
00122     if (($listeEnumeration == 1) && (/^\s*([\w\d]*)\s*(\(.*\))?(%%.*)?/))
00123     {
00124       $name_enum = $1;
00125       $val_enum = $2;
00126       if (!($name_enum =~ /^$/))
00127       {
00128         if (!($val_enum =~ /^$/))
00129         {
00130           $enum = "$name_enum=$val_enum,";
00131           $enum =~ s/%%/\/\/\//g;
00132           $enum =~ s/%/\/\//g;
00133           $output=$output.$enum;
00134         }
00135         else
00136         {
00137           $enum = "$name_enum,";
00138           $enum =~ s/%%/\/\/\//g;
00139           $enum =~ s/%/\/\//g;
00140           $output=$output.$enum;
00141         }
00142       }
00143     }
00144     if (/(^\s*function)\s*([\] \w\d,_\[]+=)?\s*([.\w\d_-]*)\s*\(?([\w\d\s,~]*)\)?(%?.*)/)
00145     {
00146       $functionKeyWord = $1;
00147       $functionName = $3;
00148       $arguments = $4;
00149       if ($inClass == 0)
00150       {
00151         $output = $declTypeDef.$output;
00152         $declTypeDef = "";
00153       }
00154       $arguments =~ s/,/,in /g;
00155       $arguments =~ s/~/ignoredArg/g;
00156       $arguments = "in $arguments";
00157       if ($arguments =~ /^in $/)
00158       {
00159         $arguments = "";
00160       }
00161       $ligne = "$methodAttribute $functionKeyWord $functionName($arguments);"; 
00162       $output=$output.$ligne;
00163     }
00164     # Signature of functions in abstract methods
00165     elsif ((/^\s*([\] \w\d,_\[]+=)?\s*([.\w\d_-]+)\s*\(?([\w\d\s,~]*)\)?(%?.*)/) & ($inAbstractMethodBlock == 1) )
00166     {
00167       $functionName = $2;
00168       $arguments = $3;
00169       $arguments =~ s/,/,in /g;
00170       $arguments =~ s/~/ignoredArg/g;
00171       $arguments = "in $arguments";
00172       if ($arguments =~ /^in $/)
00173       {
00174         $arguments = "";
00175       }
00176       $ligne = "$methodAttribute $functionKeyWord $functionName($arguments);"; 
00177       $output=$output.$ligne;
00178     }
00179     # inheritance for classes
00180     if (/(^\s*classdef)\s*(\s*\([\{\}\?\w,=\s]+\s*\))?\s*([\w\d_]+)\s*<?\s*([\s\w\d_&]+)?(.*)/) 
00181     {
00182       #$classAttributes = $2;
00183       $className = $3;
00184       $classInheritance = $4;
00185       if (!($classInheritance =~ /^$/))
00186       {
00187         $classInheritance =~ s/&/,public /g;
00188         $classDef = "class ".$className.":public $classInheritance";
00189       }
00190       else
00191       {
00192         $classDef = "class ".$className;
00193       }
00194       $output=$output.$classDef;
00195       $output=$output."{";
00196       $output=$output.$declTypeDef;
00197       $output=$output."public:\n";
00198       $inClass = 1;
00199     }
00200     if (/(^\s*properties)\s*(\s*\([\w,=\s]+\s*\))?(.*)/)
00201     {
00202       $listeProperties = 1;
00203       $propertiesAttributes = $2;
00204       $typeProperties = "public:\n";
00205       if (lc($propertiesAttributes) =~ /(access\s*=\s*private)/)
00206       {
00207         $typeProperties = "private:\n"
00208       }
00209       elsif (lc($propertiesAttributes) =~ /(access\s*=\s*public)/)
00210       {
00211         $typeProperties = "public:\n"
00212       }
00213       elsif (lc($propertiesAttributes) =~ /(access\s*=\s*protected)/)
00214       {
00215         $typeProperties = "protected:\n"
00216       }
00217       if ((lc($propertiesAttributes) =~ /(constant\s*=\s*false)/) || (lc($propertiesAttributes) =~ /(~constant)/))
00218       {
00219       }
00220       elsif (lc($propertiesAttributes) =~ /(constant(\s*=\s*true\s*)?)/)
00221       {
00222         $typeProperties = $typeProperties." Constant ";
00223       }
00224     }
00225     if (/(^\s*enumeration)\s*(.*)/)
00226     {
00227       $listeEnumeration = 1;
00228       $output=$output."public:\nenum ".$className." {";
00229     }
00230     if (/(^\s*events)\s*(.*)/)
00231     {
00232       $listeEvents = 1;
00233       $output=$output."public:\nenum Events {";
00234     }
00235     if (/(^\s*methods)\s*(\s*\([\w,=\s]+\s*\))?(.*)/)
00236     {
00237       $methodAttribute = "public:\n";
00238       $methodsAttributes = $2;
00239       if (lc($methodsAttributes) =~ /(access\s*=\s*private)/)
00240       {
00241         $methodAttribute = "private:\n"
00242       }
00243       elsif (lc($methodsAttributes) =~ /(access\s*=\s*protected)/)
00244       {
00245         $methodAttribute = "protected:\n"
00246       }
00247       elsif (lc($methodsAttributes) =~ /(access\s*=\s*public)/)
00248       {
00249         $methodAttribute = "public:\n"
00250       }
00251       if (lc($methodsAttributes) =~ /(abstract(\s*=\s*true\s*)?)/)
00252       {
00253         $inAbstractMethodBlock = 1;
00254         $methodAttribute = $methodAttribute." virtual ";
00255       }
00256       if ((lc($methodsAttributes) =~ /(static\s*=\s*false)/) || (lc($methodsAttributes) =~ /(~static)/))
00257       {
00258       }
00259       elsif (lc($methodsAttributes) =~ /(static(\s*=\s*true\s*)?)/)
00260       {
00261         $methodAttribute = $methodAttribute." static";
00262       }
00263     }
00264     $output=$output."\n";
00265   }
00266   close $in;
00267 }
00268 $output=$output."};\n";
00269 print $output;