BASIS  version 1.2.3 (revision 2104)
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 ##############################################################################
00002 # @file
00003 # @brief Provides information about the executables built by BASIS.
00004 #
00005 # @note The module is automatically created by
00006 #       BASIS from the template file which is
00007 #       part of the BASIS installation.
00008 #
00009 # Copyright (c) 2011 University of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved.<br />
00010 # See or COPYING file.
00011 #
00012 # Contact: SBIA Group <sbia-software at>
00013 ##############################################################################
00015 # return if already loaded
00016 [ "${_SBIA_BASIS_EXECUTABLETARGETINFO_INCLUDED:-0}" -eq 1 ] && return 0
00020 # ============================================================================
00021 # constants
00022 # ============================================================================
00024 ## @brief Absolute directory path of module.
00025 readonly _EXECUTABLETARGETINFO_DIR=$(cd -P -- "$(dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE}")" && pwd -P)
00027 # ============================================================================
00028 # modules
00029 # ============================================================================
00031 source "${_EXECUTABLETARGETINFO_DIR}/./" # upvar()
00033 # ============================================================================
00034 # public functions
00035 # ============================================================================
00037 ## @addtogroup BasisBashUtilities
00038 #  @{
00041 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00042 ## @brief Get UID of build target.
00043 #
00044 # @param [out] uid    UID of build target.
00045 # @param [in]  target Name/UID of build target.
00046 #
00047 # @returns Nothing.
00048 #
00049 # @retval 0 On success.
00050 # @retval 1 On failure.
00051 function get_target_uid
00052 {
00053     [ -n "$1" ] && [ $# -eq 2 ] || return 1
00054     local target="$2"
00055     # initialize module if not done yet - this is only done here because
00056     # whenever information is looked up about an executable target, this
00057     # function is invoked first
00058     if [ -z "${_EXECUTABLETARGETINFO_INITIALIZED}" ]; then
00059         _executabletargetinfo_initialize || return 1
00060     fi
00061     # empty string as input remains unchanged
00062     [ -z "${target}" ] && local "$1" && upvar $1 '' && return 0
00063     # in case of a leading namespace separator, do not modify target name
00064     [ "${target:0:1}" == '.' ] && local "$1" && upvar $1 "${target}" && return 0
00065     # project namespace
00066     local prefix="sbia.basis.DUMMY"
00067     # try prepending namespace or parts of it until target is known
00068     local path=''
00069     while [ "${prefix/\.*/}" != "${prefix}" ]; do
00070         prefix="${prefix%\.*}"
00071         _executabletargetinfo_get path "${prefix}.${target}" LOCATION
00072         if [ -n "${path}" ]; then
00073             local "$1" && upvar $1 "${prefix}.${target}"
00074             return 0
00075         fi
00076     done
00077     # otherwise, return target name unchanged
00078     local "$1" && upvar $1 "${target}"
00079 }
00081 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00082 ## @brief Determine whether a given target is known.
00083 #
00084 # @param [in] target Name/UID of build target.
00085 #
00086 # @returns Whether the given build target is known by this module.
00087 function is_known_target
00088 {
00089     get_target_uid uid "$1"
00090     [ -n "${uid}" ] || return 1
00091     local path && _executabletargetinfo_get path "${uid}" LOCATION
00092     [ -n "${path}" ]
00093 }
00095 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00096 ## @brief Get name of executable file.
00097 #
00098 # @param [out] name   Name of the executable or an empty string if unknown.
00099 # @param [in]  target Name/UID of build target. If no argument is given,
00100 #                     the name of the calling executable is returned instead.
00101 #
00102 # @returns Nothing.
00103 #
00104 # @retval 0 On success.
00105 # @retval 1 On failure.
00106 function get_executable_name
00107 {
00108     [ -n "$1" ] && [ $# -eq 1 -o $# -eq 2 ] || return 1
00110     local name
00112     # if no target name given, get name of this executable
00113     if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
00114         name="${0##*/}"
00115     # otherwise, get name of executable built by named target
00116     else
00117         local path && get_executable_path path "$2"
00118         [ $? -eq 0 ] || return 1
00119         name="`basename "${path}"`"
00120         [ $? -eq 0 ] || return 1
00121     fi
00123     local "$1" && upvar $1 "${name}"
00124 }
00126 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00127 ## @brief Get directory of executable file.
00128 #
00129 # @param [out] dir    Absolute directory of executable file.
00130 # @param [in]  target Name/UID of build target. If no argument is given,
00131 #                     the directory where the file of the calling executable
00132 #                     is located is returned.
00133 #
00134 # @returns Nothing.
00135 #
00136 # @retval 0 On success.
00137 # @retval 1 On failure.
00138 function get_executable_directory
00139 {
00140     [ -n "$1" ] && [ $# -eq 1 -o $# -eq 2 ] || return 1
00142     local path
00144     # if no target name given, get path of this executable
00145     if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
00146         get_executable_path path
00147     # otherwise, get path of executable of named target
00148     else
00149         get_executable_path path "$2"
00150     fi
00151     [ $? -eq 0 ] || return 1
00152     # get directory component of path
00153     local dir="`dirname "${path}"`"
00155     local "$1" && upvar $1 "${dir}"
00156 }
00158 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00159 ## @brief Get absolute path of executable file.
00160 #
00161 # This function determines the absolute file path of an executable. If no
00162 # arguments are given, the absolute path of this executable is returned.
00163 # If the given argument is a known build target name, the absolute path
00164 # of the executable built by this target is returned. Otherwise, the named
00165 # command is searched in the system PATH and it's absolute path returned
00166 # if found. If the given argument is neither the name of a known build target
00167 # nor an executable found on the PATH, an empty string is returned and
00168 # the return value is 1.
00169 #
00170 # @param [out] path   Absolute path of executable file.
00171 # @param [in]  target Name/UID of build target. If no argument is given,
00172 #                     the file path of the calling executable is returned.
00173 #
00174 # @returns Nothing.
00175 #
00176 # @retval 0 On success.
00177 # @retval 1 On failure.
00178 function get_executable_path
00179 {
00180     [ -n "$1" ] && [ $# -eq 1 -o $# -eq 2 ] || return 1
00182     local path
00184     # if no target name given, get path of this executable
00185     if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
00186         path="`realpath "$0"`"
00187     # otherwise, get path of executable built by named target
00188     else
00189         # get UID of target
00190         local uid && get_target_uid uid "$2"
00191         [ "${uid:0:1}" == '.' ] && uid=${uid:1}
00192         if [ -n "${uid}" ]; then
00193             # get path relative to this module
00194             _executabletargetinfo_get path "${uid}" LOCATION
00195             if [ -n "${path}" ]; then
00196                 # make path absolute
00197                 _executabletargetinfo_to_absolute_path path "${path}" "${_EXECUTABLETARGETINFO_DIR}"
00198                 [ $? -eq 0 ] || return 1
00199             else
00200                 path=`/usr/bin/which "$2" 2> /dev/null`
00201             fi
00202         else
00203             path=`/usr/bin/which "$2" 2> /dev/null`
00204         fi
00205     fi
00207     local "$1" && upvar $1 "${path}"
00208     [ $? -eq 0 ] && [ -n "${path}" ]
00209 }
00212 ## @}
00213 # end of Doxygen group
00215 # ============================================================================
00216 # private helpers
00217 # ============================================================================
00219 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00220 ## @brief Sanitize string for use in variable name.
00221 #
00222 # @param [out] out Sanitized string.
00223 # @param [in]  str String to be sanitized.
00224 #
00225 # @returns Nothing.
00226 #
00227 # @retval 0 On success.
00228 # @retval 1 On failure.
00229 function _executabletargetinfo_sanitize
00230 {
00231     [ $# -eq 2 ] || return 1
00232     [ -n "$2" ] || {
00233         upvar $1 ''
00234         return 0
00235     }
00236     local sane="`echo -n "$2" | tr [:space:] '_' | tr -c [:alpha:] '_'`"
00237     [ -n "${sane}" ] || {
00238         echo "_executabletargetinfo_sanitize(): Failed to sanitize string '$2'" 1>&2
00239         exit 1
00240     }
00241     local "$1" && upvar $1 "${sane}"
00242 }
00244 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00245 ## @brief Add (key, value) pair to executable target info "hash".
00246 #
00247 # @sa _executabletargetinfo_get()
00248 #
00249 # @param [in] key   Hash key.
00250 # @param [in] name  Name of the hash table.
00251 # @param [in] value Value associated with the given hash key.
00252 #
00253 # @returns Sets a readonly variable that represents the (key, value) entry.
00254 function _executabletargetinfo_add
00255 {
00256     [ $# -eq 3 ] || return 1
00258     local key  && _executabletargetinfo_sanitize key  "$1"
00259     local name && _executabletargetinfo_sanitize name "$2"
00260     [ -n "${key}" ] && [ -n "${name}" ] || {
00261         if [ -z "${key}" ] && [ -z "${name}" ]; then
00262             echo "_executabletargetinfo_add(): Neither lookup table nor key specified" 1>&2
00263         elif [ -z "${key}" ]; then
00264             echo "_executabletargetinfo_add(): No key specified for addition to hash table '${name}'" 1>&2
00265         else
00266             echo "_executabletargetinfo_add(): No lookup table given for addition of key '${key}'" 1>&2
00267         fi
00268         exit 1
00269     }
00270     eval "readonly __EXECUTABLETARGETINFO_${name}_${key}='$3'"
00271 }
00273 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00274 ## @brief Get value from executable target info "hash".
00275 #
00276 # @sa _executabletargetinfo_add()
00277 #
00278 # @param [out] value Value corresponding to given @p key
00279 #                    or an empty string if key is unknown.
00280 # @param [in]  key   Hash key.
00281 # @param [in]  name  Name of the hash table.
00282 #
00283 # @returns Nothing.
00284 #
00285 # @retval 0 On success.
00286 # @retval 1 On failure.
00287 function _executabletargetinfo_get
00288 {
00289     [ $# -eq 3 ] || return 1
00291     local key  && _executabletargetinfo_sanitize key  "$2"
00292     local name && _executabletargetinfo_sanitize name "$3"
00293     [ -n "${key}" ] && [ -n "${name}" ] || {
00294         if [ -z "${key}" ] && [ -z "${name}" ]; then
00295             echo "_executabletargetinfo_get(): Neither lookup table nor key specified" 1>&2
00296         elif [ -z "${key}" ]; then
00297             echo "_executabletargetinfo_get(): No key specified for lookup in hash table '${name}'" 1>&2
00298         else
00299             echo "_executabletargetinfo_get(): No lookup table given for lookup of key '${key}'" 1>&2
00300         fi
00301         exit 1
00302     }
00303     eval "local value=\${__EXECUTABLETARGETINFO_${name}_${key}}"
00305     local "$1" && upvar $1 "${value}"
00306 }
00308 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00309 ## @brief Make relative path absolute.
00310 #
00311 # @attention The directory component of the path must be an existent directory.
00312 #
00313 # @todo Implement this function without the use of cd such that non-existent
00314 #       paths can be simplified as well.
00315 #
00316 # @param [out] simplified Simplified @p path.
00317 # @param [in]  path       Absolute or relative path.
00318 # @param [in]  base       Base path used for relative paths.
00319 #
00320 # @returns Nothing.
00321 #
00322 # @retval 0 On success.
00323 # @retval 1 On failure.
00324 function _executabletargetinfo_to_absolute_path
00325 {
00326     [ $# -eq 2 ] || [ $# -eq 3 ] || return 1
00328     local path="$2"
00329     local base="$3"
00331     [ -n "${path}" ] || return 1
00333     local dir=`dirname ${path}`
00335     if [ -d "${base}" -a -d "${base}/${dir}" ]; then
00336         dir=`cd ${base}; cd ${dir}; pwd`
00337         [ $? -eq 0 ] || return 1
00338         path=${dir}/`basename ${path}`
00339         [ $? -eq 0 ] || return 1
00340     fi
00342     local "$1" && upvar $1 "${path}"
00343 }
00345 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00346 ## @brief Initialize executable target information.
00347 #
00348 # This function initializes the structures of information about the executable
00349 # build targets. If this function is executed another time, it does nothing
00350 # because the structures are initialized already. In order to reduce the start
00351 # time of applications that do not make use of this module, the initialization
00352 # is only performed on demand.
00353 #
00354 # The initialization is done in get_target_uid() as this function is always
00355 # called first before any lookup of information.
00356 #
00357 # @returns Nothing.
00358 #
00359 # @retval 0 On success.
00360 # @retval 1 On failure.
00361 function _executabletargetinfo_initialize
00362 {
00363     [ $# -eq 0 ] || return 1
00365     _executabletargetinfo_add 'sbia.basis.basisproject' LOCATION '../bin/basisproject'
00366     _executabletargetinfo_add 'sbia.basis.which' LOCATION '../bin/which'
00367     _executabletargetinfo_add 'sbia.basis.doxyfilter' LOCATION 'doxyfilter'
00368     _executabletargetinfo_add 'sbia.basis.doxyfilter-matlab' LOCATION 'doxyfilter-matlab'
00369     _executabletargetinfo_add 'sbia.basis.doxyfilter-bash' LOCATION 'doxyfilter-bash'
00370     _executabletargetinfo_add 'sbia.basis.doxyfilter-cmake' LOCATION 'doxyfilter-cmake'
00371     _executabletargetinfo_add 'sbia.basis.doxyfilter-python' LOCATION 'doxyfilter-python'
00372     _executabletargetinfo_add 'sbia.basis.testdriver' LOCATION '../bin/basistest-driver'
00373     _executabletargetinfo_add 'sbia.basis.basistest-svn' LOCATION '../bin/basistest-svn'
00374     _executabletargetinfo_add 'sbia.basis.basistest-slave' LOCATION '../bin/basistest-slave'
00375     _executabletargetinfo_add 'sbia.basis.basistest-master' LOCATION '../bin/basistest-master'
00376     _executabletargetinfo_add 'sbia.basis.basistest-cron' LOCATION '../bin/basistest-cron'
00377     _executabletargetinfo_add 'sbia.basis.basistest' LOCATION '../bin/basistest'
00378     _executabletargetinfo_add 'sbia.basis.make_html_verbatim' LOCATION '../bin/make_html_verbatim'
00379     _executabletargetinfo_add 'sbia.basis.dummy_command' LOCATION '../../../../../../home/schuha/sandbox/build/basis-1.2.3/Testing/bin/dummy_command'
00380     _executabletargetinfo_add 'sbia.basis.test_matlabtools' LOCATION '../../../../../../home/schuha/sandbox/build/basis-1.2.3/Testing/bin/test_matlabtools'
00381     _executabletargetinfo_add 'sbia.basis.test_basisproject' LOCATION '../../../../../../home/schuha/sandbox/build/basis-1.2.3/Testing/bin/test_basisproject'
00382     _executabletargetinfo_add 'sbia.basis.test_path' LOCATION '../../../../../../home/schuha/sandbox/build/basis-1.2.3/Testing/bin/test_path'
00383     _executabletargetinfo_add 'sbia.basis.test_subprocess' LOCATION '../../../../../../home/schuha/sandbox/build/basis-1.2.3/Testing/bin/test_subprocess'
00384     _executabletargetinfo_add 'sbia.basis.test_core' LOCATION '../../../../../../home/schuha/sandbox/build/basis-1.2.3/Testing/bin/test_core'
00385     _executabletargetinfo_add 'sbia.basis.test_shtap' LOCATION '../../../../../../home/schuha/sandbox/build/basis-1.2.3/Testing/bin/test_shtap'
00386     _executabletargetinfo_add 'sbia.basis.parseargs' LOCATION '../../../../../../home/schuha/sandbox/build/basis-1.2.3/Testing/bin/parseargs'
00387     _executabletargetinfo_add 'sbia.basis.test_utilities' LOCATION '../../../../../../home/schuha/sandbox/build/basis-1.2.3/Testing/bin/test_utilities'
00390     return 0
00391 }
00393 # ============================================================================
00394 # aliases (optional)
00395 # ============================================================================
00397 if [ -z "${use_executable_target_aliases}" ] || [ ${use_executable_target_aliases} -eq 0 ]; then
00398     return
00399 fi
00401 # define aliases of build target names to executable file paths
00402 alias 'sbia.basis.basisproject'=`get_executable_path 'sbia.basis.basisproject'`
00403 alias 'sbia.basis.which'=`get_executable_path 'sbia.basis.which'`
00404 alias 'sbia.basis.doxyfilter'=`get_executable_path 'sbia.basis.doxyfilter'`
00405 alias 'sbia.basis.doxyfilter-matlab'=`get_executable_path 'sbia.basis.doxyfilter-matlab'`
00406 alias 'sbia.basis.doxyfilter-bash'=`get_executable_path 'sbia.basis.doxyfilter-bash'`
00407 alias 'sbia.basis.doxyfilter-cmake'=`get_executable_path 'sbia.basis.doxyfilter-cmake'`
00408 alias 'sbia.basis.doxyfilter-python'=`get_executable_path 'sbia.basis.doxyfilter-python'`
00409 alias 'sbia.basis.testdriver'=`get_executable_path 'sbia.basis.testdriver'`
00410 alias 'sbia.basis.basistest-svn'=`get_executable_path 'sbia.basis.basistest-svn'`
00411 alias 'sbia.basis.basistest-slave'=`get_executable_path 'sbia.basis.basistest-slave'`
00412 alias 'sbia.basis.basistest-master'=`get_executable_path 'sbia.basis.basistest-master'`
00413 alias 'sbia.basis.basistest-cron'=`get_executable_path 'sbia.basis.basistest-cron'`
00414 alias 'sbia.basis.basistest'=`get_executable_path 'sbia.basis.basistest'`
00415 alias 'sbia.basis.make_html_verbatim'=`get_executable_path 'sbia.basis.make_html_verbatim'`
00416 alias 'sbia.basis.dummy_command'=`get_executable_path 'sbia.basis.dummy_command'`
00417 alias 'sbia.basis.test_matlabtools'=`get_executable_path 'sbia.basis.test_matlabtools'`
00418 alias 'sbia.basis.test_basisproject'=`get_executable_path 'sbia.basis.test_basisproject'`
00419 alias 'sbia.basis.test_path'=`get_executable_path 'sbia.basis.test_path'`
00420 alias 'sbia.basis.test_subprocess'=`get_executable_path 'sbia.basis.test_subprocess'`
00421 alias 'sbia.basis.test_core'=`get_executable_path 'sbia.basis.test_core'`
00422 alias 'sbia.basis.test_shtap'=`get_executable_path 'sbia.basis.test_shtap'`
00423 alias 'sbia.basis.parseargs'=`get_executable_path 'sbia.basis.parseargs'`
00424 alias 'sbia.basis.test_utilities'=`get_executable_path 'sbia.basis.test_utilities'`
00426 # define short aliases for this project's targets
00429 # enable expansion of aliases also in non-interactive shells
00430 shopt -s expand_aliases