BASIS  r3148
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #! /usr/bin/perl -w
00002 use Cwd qw(realpath); use File::Basename; use lib dirname(realpath(__FILE__)) . '/.'; use lib dirname(realpath(__FILE__)) . '/perl'; # <-- added by BASIS
00003 ##############################################################################
00004 # @file
00005 # @brief Doxygen filter for CMake, Python, Perl, Bash, and MATLAB.
00006 #
00007 # Copyright (c) 2012 University of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved.
00008 # See or COPYING file.
00009 #
00010 # Contact: SBIA Group <sbia-software at>
00011 ##############################################################################
00013 use File::Basename qw(fileparse);
00014 use BASIS::Basis   qw(exename execute istarget);
00016 use BASIS::DoxyFilter::Bash;
00017 use BASIS::DoxyFilter::CMake;
00020 if (@ARGV != 1) {
00021     print STDERR "Usage: " . exename() . " <file>\n";
00022     exit 1;
00023 }
00025 my $filename = $ARGV[0];
00026 my $lang     = undef;
00027 my $filter   = undef;
00028 my $status   = -1;
00030 # get file name extension
00031 my ($dir, $base, $ext) = fileparse($filename, '\..*');
00032 # select filter according to file extension
00033 if    ($ext =~ /\.(pl|pm)/)       { $lang = 'perl';   }
00034 elsif ($ext eq '.py')             { $lang = 'python'; }
00035 elsif ($ext eq '.sh')             { $lang = 'bash';   }
00036 elsif ($ext =~ /\.(cmake|ctest)/) { $lang = 'cmake';  }
00037 elsif ($ext eq '.m')              { $lang = 'matlab'; }
00038 # otherwise, consider shebang directive if given
00039 if (not $lang) {
00040     open FILE, $filename or die "Failed to open file \"$filename\"!";
00041     $lang = $2 if <FILE> =~ /^#!\s*(\/usr\/bin\/|\/bin\/|\/usr\/bin\/env\s+)(python|perl|bash)/;
00042     close FILE;
00043 }
00044 # create filter for source language
00045 if ($lang) {
00046     if    ($lang eq 'bash')  { $filter = new BASIS::DoxyFilter::Bash;  }
00047     elsif ($lang eq 'cmake') { $filter = new BASIS::DoxyFilter::CMake; }
00048 }
00049 # execute filter
00050 if (defined $filter) {
00051     $filter->process($filename);
00052     print $filter->output();
00053     $status = 0;
00054 } elsif ($lang and istarget("doxyfilter-$lang")) {
00055     my @cmd = ("doxyfilter-$lang");
00056     push @cmd, '-f' if $lang eq 'python';
00057     push @cmd, $filename;
00058     $status = execute(\@cmd, allow_fail=>1);
00059 }
00060 # otherwise, just pass input through unfiltered
00061 if ($status ne 0) {
00062     open FILE, $filename;
00063     print $_ while <FILE>;
00064     close FILE;
00065 }