Table Of Contents


Please cite [JMB2008] when you used BTMCS in your research:

[JMB2008]C. Hogea, C. Davatzikos and G. Biros, An image-driven parameter estimation problem for a glioma growth model with mass effects, J. Math Biol., 56(6): 793-825 (2008)
[SJSC2008]C. Hogea, C. Davatzikos and G. Biros, Brain-Tumor Interaction Biophysical Models for Medical Image Registration, SIAM J. Scientific Computing 30(6): 3050-3072 (2008)
[MICCAI2007]C. Hogea, C. Davatzikos and G. Biros, Modeling Glioma Growth and Mass Effect in 3D MR Images of the Brain, In: Proc. MICCAI (1): 642-650 (2007)
[PMB2007]C. Hogea, G. Biros, F. Abraham and C. Davatzikos, A robust framework for soft tissue simulations with application to modeling brain tumor mass effect in 3D MR images, Physics in Medicine and Biology, (2007)
[MICCAI2014]D. Kwon, R.T. Shinohara, H. Akbari, C. Davatzikos, Combining Generative Models for Multifocal Glioma Segmentation and Registration, In: Proc. MICCAI (1): 763-770 (2014)
[TMI2014]D. Kwon, M. Niethammer, H. Akbari, M. Bilello, C. Davatzikos, and K.M. Pohl, PORTR: Pre-Operative and Post-Recurrence Brain Tumor Registration, IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 33(3): 651-667 (2014)